We're Back (in the office)!

As soon as government advised that estate agents were allowed back into their offices we began a phased return to our Market Place office in Ely. Initially David and Don returned, but the level of activity was so great that by the Monday we had to get Ashley to come in and lend a hand!

It's been so busy and we are a little concerned this deluge of activity relates to people having been restricted for 7 plus weeks and now they are out and about.  Aimee will be back with us from 1st June and Barbara is going to stay on furlough for a little longer so we can gauge how it's working out.

Subject to visits to the office being by appointment, observing social distancing, lots of hand washing and sanitising we are visibly back!  We have gloves, masks and face screens so you should be well protected and so will we.

We're looking forward to a recovering property market and putting paid to the ramblings of the doom and gloom merchants.